10 iul. 2010

The Muslim Church

Hagia Sophia. A great object to be visited for all the tourists who go to Istanbul. Hagia Sophia. A place blessed by two gods. Hagia Sophia. An orthodox cathedral. Hagia Sophia. A mosque. Hagia Sophia. A bridge between two continents, two civilizations, between all kind of times of history.
"10 Lira please" - the ticket seller said.
And they entered in the orchard of this famous building. There was the specific place for the cleaning ritual of Muslims, but the building itself, its architecture, its walls were not like in other mosques.
The museum is huge. There is a first level, full of all information about history and all the people that tried to conquer this real fortress. The walls are full of Arab writings. The name of Allah, His Prophet Muhammad, the names of the 18 caliphs and some phrases from the Quran. And there were Christian paintings too. Hidden in the walls, but discovered these times. The mosque is not used for its purpose, nor the church.
Ameen and Petra were fascinated. Ameen read her all the writings in Arabic, Petra told him about the stories from the Bible painted on the walls. And so Prophet Muhammad, Jesus and all his apostles were in one place. And they were all fine. No war, no hate, no racism, no terrorism. The light came in through little painted windows, and the colors of the mosaics were amazing, lightening Jesus` face and the name of Allah.
Ameen and Petra were absolutely sure on that place that nothing was impossible, that they wont have any problems with their religion. They both were very happy and talked only about the Quran and the Bible. And all what these holy books teach us all. In fact what is essential in man`s everyday life is written in the same way in both books, and both try to make a better world, with love and understanding.
After a while Petra started her speech about women in Islam again.
"Hayaty, I thought we discussed this. You told me that in the Bible it is written that women should listen to their husbands, right?"
"So in the Quran is the same. But let me tell you something. As far as I know, there is no place in the Bible where is written that women should be let to learn, right?"
"Yes, I know, but that is old fashioned. It is not like that now. But there is nowhere written that a man can have more than one wife."
"Hayaty, in the times when the Quran was written, there were wars after wars. Many man died on the battlefield. There were a lot of widows with children having nobody to take care of them. That is why it is written that. And it is written that a man could have four wives only if he has enough money and if he can treat them all in the same way."
Petra looked out on the window and Ameen saw that there was something else on her soul too.
"What is it? What are you thinking of?"
"I can not share you."
Ameen started to laugh and held her.
"You do not have to share me with anybody. I do not want anybody else than you. You are the only one for me. This polygamy thing is kind of old fashioned, to use your words. Only for rich Arab sheiks."
He continued laughing until she started to laugh too. She knew it was a stupid sentence. But Petra started it again:
"But I read in the Quran that a man can beat his wife."
"Petra...are you afraid of me? What is it hayaty? We talked about all these. It is written with ifs, ifs and ifs. I could never hurt you. Babba never hurted Ummi. Did not even raised his voice to her. Never. And you know what Prophet Muhammad told once when somebody asked him, who should he love more, the father or the mother? He said. First love your mother. Second love your mother. Third love your mother. Then love your father. What can be more feminist, my amazon? Hm?"
She knew all these things, but she wanted to hear again. They looked around again, then they went out. They took pictures in the orchard and Petra let the wind take her shal off.
"Ameen, this place is amazing. I could get married in this place." - and she laughed.
The boy laughed too. "Watch what you wish bent majnoonah (crazy girl). Do not push it too far because I might ask you to be my wife right here and right now."
They left these words in the orchard of this famous place and went along the crowded streets of the city. They bought shaorma again, ate it in front of the University of Istanbul and they felt that the entire universe was their. They sang all kind of songs from Roxette, Reamonn, Wael Kfoury and others. The sun was shining for them, the people walked for them, they felt that 10 million hearts beated only for them. And these two faces smiled to all these 10 million hearts.

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