9 iul. 2010

The First Hours

She came out from the hotel and hurried to the Laleli mosque where he was waiting for her. It was early in the morning, 5 o`clock, and from every minaret begin the „ALLAH AKBAR”, the call for the first pray of the day. Petra got scared. She never heard this sound before, and it was very strange to her. She considered it apocalyptic, so she hurried a little more. She crossed the little street and she could see the mosque. Just one more sidewalk, two corners, and there it was.



And this was all they could say. The girl fell in Ameens arms, she could say nothing, and he held her strong, he could feel her heart beating and melt into his. The time stopped on this street of Istanbul. There was nobody and nothing but them, and the endless happiness they felt. None of them believed yet that it was true, that they hold for real the hand they saw only in pictures. They did not believe that the next week would be truly their, and they could not believe that it was not a dream, but reality.

"I love you very much" – said Ameen

"I love you very very very much too." - answered Petra, she looked in his eyes and kissed him.

The call for the morning pray could not be heard anymore. They lost the notion of time, they had no idea for how long they were there at the corner at the street, they just did not want to let the other one even for a second, because they were afraid that it would end, that they would wake up and the reality would not be what they wanted to be.

Finally, pushed probably by the cold weather of the early morning, they walked to the hotel. This was their first walk. Hand in hand. Together. Just the two of them on the small streets of the giant city. As they entered the hotel room, Ameen took Petra and held her strong again, and he kept saying „hayaty ya habybty ya roohy ya kol shey fe al hayat, bahebek bahebek bahebek” (you are my life, my love, my heart, everything in this life, I love you, I love you, I love you). She understood his words and answered also in Arabic: „ana kman, wallah” (me too, I swear).

Ameen took a little box from his pocket and asked the same question that he did once, just that then he was many miles away, and now the distance between them was only one step.

"I can not live without you. I want to be somebody, but without you I am nobody. The life I had was not life, but since I know you, my sunshine, everything has another perspective. The whole universe is colored. All my life I was just watching, but I did not see, I was blind, but you opened my eyes, and now finally everything is beautiful. Through you. And I do not want this to be different. Never. I brought you these rings because one day I want to start being beside you every evening when you fall asleep and every morning when you wake up. I know it will not be easy, because we come from different words, but will you be beside me in the battle of the two worlds?"

Some tears started their journey on her face. She was shivering. She did not know where to look. All the happiness from the world was in her, this was what she expected, what every girl wanted, it was there in front of her, at her feet. There was the boy who she loved more than anybody on earth, he felt the same, and although now this all was so very strange.

"I do not know..."- and she kept a break long enough for him to get suspicious, his smile gone, and she continued only when he was about to lock the little box. - "...why do you ask from me something that is already yours for so long? Ameen, I am truly yours, I love you very much and I am ready to fight in the war between the worlds beside you."

Ameen took the two little rings from the box, put them on her finger and kissed her.

They could not get enough of each other, the kisses became more and more hot, Petra felt that she was out of herself, she could not realize anything from what was going on around her, she gave herself to Ameens touches, and he caressed her gently on her face, neck, shoulders, and pulled her so close to himself that he could feel her every piece. He felt that Petra was totally his and he did not want that to end. He took the girl and layed her on the bed, then took off his pullover. Petra was shivering of desire, but she did not say a word, she was just looking at her beloved man, and she was thinking that this whole was much more better than she could have ever imagine. She wanted to feel Ameens body, she wanted that just for herself, but she was afraid because of the religion. Ameen is a Muslim, he can not make love before marriage, but then what was this? She kissed him one more time and asked him:

"What are we doing Ameen?"

"I do not know hayaty. I do not know." - answered Amenn. "I want you..."

"I also want you, the question now is if we may do this."

"A do not care about anything. I just want to be one with you." - said Ameen and took off her blouse. The girl looked deeply in his eyes, her body was in fire of desire, then she got courage and took off Ameens t-shirt, she was looking at his naked chest, then she got up and layed her beloved on his back and covered his body with her kisses. Her breath was walking gently on his neck, arms, her long hair on his chest. As she was sitting on him, she wanted him more and more, she took off his jeans, then Ameen her and there they were naked on each other. A small room in the big city was full of love and desire, Ameen got gently into her, he was looking at her to see weather everything was fine. And it was. They were one.

Thousand miles became a step, then that step disappeared too, and there was not just the union of two hearts anymore, but also of two bodies. Europe and Asia melted, as Christianity and the Muslim world. The city with ten million people became a small village, entered in this small room, and the Great Byzantine Wall fell forever. The two worlds not just met but melted together. But above all these became one these two persons, who lived in the last months only through tears and wishes. A girl and a boy. They were endlessly happy, they did not care about anything, but that they were finally in each others arms, and none of them felt guilt for what they just did.

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